Price List

(Also see our Specials page)

EGG TRAPS:  $14.00 each/$80.00 for six/$156.00 per dozen.

SETTING TOOLS:  Stainless Steel Plate Holder $15.00 / Setting Tool (2 tools in 1) $10.00

PARTS: (prices are for single items)

Loaded U-bolt (spring, sleeve, nuts) $2.00

U-bolt and nuts $.80

Spring $.80

Nylon Sleeve $.50

Trigger $.50

Spring Holder $.50

Spring Plate $5.00

Assembled Spring Plate $8.00

Housing Bottom $4.00

Housing Lid $2.00

Complete Housing/Cable $6.00

Cable Assembly $.50

Steel Setting Tube On Nail $.75

Magnetized ¼" nut driver assembly $5.00 for screw gun or drill

(20 % off on dozen lots of parts) - Prices Subject To Change

Ordering Information

Orders can be paid by check, money order, or credit card. If you would like to pay by check and money order, you can call or e-mail ahead with your order and provide a zip code. We can compute the actual shipping and let you know what the total amount will be. If you'd like to pay by credit card, please call. We have an answering machine in case we're not  available at the moment, so please leave a message and we'll call you back.

For our customers in Japan, please use this link: "" or contact Fumiko Kikuchi at ""


$80.00 or less – add $16.00

$81.00 – $175.00 – add $20.00

$175.00 and over – inquire

We refund over-paid postage

North Dakota residents - add 5% sales tax

Alaskan orders – call ahead

Dealers – Personal Inquiries Only



Rick and Chris Tischaefer

POB 334

Butte, ND 58723-0334



Home Page/Egg Trap & Setting Tools/Egg Trap Brochure/Our Show Schedule/

Trapping Tips with the Egg Trap/Egg Trap Specials/

Egg Trap Research Documents/Egg Trap Photos